
Cattle Farms for sale

1.      The 2 (two) farms that must be sold as a unit border each other, this is Farm (nr: 40NK) and Farm (nr: 39NK). These farms are of the oldest farms in Ghanzi District and are located North West of Ghanzi, they also border on Ghanzi Town Area. Both farms are freehold property and each farm belongs to its own company. The farms have been used in the last couple of years only for speculating cattle for short periods of time. Farm nr. 40NK:  this farm is 4807.5HA, the main gravel road to Tsootsa and Namibia cuts this farm in 2 (two) halves. This farm has very good loading facilities and well suited for big trucks to enter. There are also 2 (two) sets of kraals which is in good condition. This farm also has 3 paddocks of which the fences are good / 3 boreholes with strong shallow water plus minus 30 meters deep / 3 cement dams and 1 windmill. All boundary fences are in good condition and firebreaks are being done annually. Farm nr. 39NK: This farm is 4421.4HA. The farm is good located plus minus 5km from Ghanzi. On the farm is one prefabricated house with 2 rooms and 2 bathrooms ect… and the house is also connected with BPC (Botswana Power Corporation). This farm has 5 paddocks/ 1 dam / 3 boreholes. There are also 52 (10HA) already approved plots with Ghanzi Landboard which can be sold as separate units, and 24 of these plots got boreholes and the plots has also been fenced. The water on the farm are fresh shallow and strong water plus minus 30 meter deep boreholes. There wasn’t any cattle on the farm for years so the grazing are in an climax state. The border fences are in good condition although the inside fences needs some attention. The type of grazing on both farms is more a “Savanna” type of grass cover including mostly “Boesman gras” or “Blinksaad gras” with lot of short climax grasses like “Schmidia”. There are also a lot of edible shrubs like “Bessiebos” and “Koffiebos”. The soil type is hardy limestone with enough sand cover and also several water holes surrounded by semi-deciduous trees like Leadwood and Acacia. for more information email: bekker.hendrik@yahoo.com / lilliebekker@gmail.com or contact: 72304755 / 72120535

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